One of the many beautiful things about adoption is that we cannot walk this journey alone. Adoptions are just expensive. Most private adoptions in the U.S. typically range from $40,000-$55,000. That money covers consulting/agency fees, legal fees, home study fees, court fees, plus expenses and counseling for the expectant mother. The cost is very intimidating and most people are shocked when they learn about the financial side of adoption. However, the process for one parent entrusting a baby to another is complex and difficult. Many people have to be involved, and the expectant mother often needs a large amount of financial support to choose life. Once we paid off Xavier’s adoption in full, we immediately started saving for a second. We will be fundraising throughout our adoption process to help offset the cost so that we will be prepared financially when Baby M is ready to come home! If you are willing and able to support our adoption financially, we would be so honored.




We have chosen to use PayPal and Venmo as our primary method of donating because they have no fees. 100% of proceeds go towards our adoption fund. Send a payment on PayPal by using the email above. In PayPal click the "Send Money" tab, then select “Sending to a friend". Or find us on Venmo @TheMorans. If you wish to send a check, please contact us for our address.